The blocks.
For a few hours Costla Prod leaves the cellars and climbs on the floors of high-rise blocks of council flats. Upstairs, the law of the strongest is replaced by the smartest . This is no longer the force but betrayal, treachery, perfidy, lying, used by these lads to violate asses that interest them. A whole sordid world of predators and manipulators where the sperm is flowing into the mouths of the victims. Coach football, best friend/traitor, bastards, liars breaker of couples, manipulators ... This film quickly becomes a story about the life of suburbs . Unless it's the opposite.
This movie surprises by its realism, its ethnic and urban plausible scenarios, far from the usual french movies, and its 9 fantastic players guns.
A movie that quickly becomes a TV report on hot days in the blocks.
With: Clement Van Voets, Eole Haros, Gael O'Connor, Giovanni Stazzo, Manuel Ferra, Michal Staziak, Ruben Morales, Tonio-Andrea Grazie, Vincent Lafitte