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Lubrifiant Eros Silk (flacon) - 1.0 l

Lubrifiant Eros Silk (flacon) - 1.0 l

Available between 10 to 15 days
Our price: 69.99 €
Instead of 85.50 €



This silicone-based medical lubricant will leave your skin silky thanks to its long-lasting formula. You will only need a couple of drops to notice its effectiveness. It is perfect for a massage or preliminaries, as it does not dry out and is not sticky. It has no preservatives, taste, color or smell. Free of fragrances, oils, parabens and glycerin.

Silicone base
Free of fragrances, oils, parabens and glycerin
Ingredients: Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone, Dimenthiconol

Other informations:

♦ Type:Lub - Forme:Flacon - Composition:Silicon - Formula:Light - Volume:1000 ml
♦ Consummable Hygiene : Lubrificant


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