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Dicked By Daddy - PACK 3 DVD Butch Dixon

Bareback Daddies Hairy 
Dicked By Daddy - PACK 3 DVD Butch Dixon

Available | Ship in 3 to 8 days for Europe
Our price: 45.00 €




Get over here, Bend over, and prepare to be Dicked By Daddy! Butch Dixon has another triple pack of testosterone-packed, sweat-soaked, cum-covered dvd. Strapping young lads find out exactly what’s so special about daddy’s sauce and remember that above all, daddy loves dick. In addition to the hot and heavy dad-on-lad fuck tests of the first two dvd, you also get to enjoy Bareback Bonanza, which is nothing but beefy men, raw fuckery, and hot loads!

Director: Jonno
With: Iago Torres, Nick Spears, Giorgio Arsenale, Wolf Rayet, Luke Tyler, Michel Rudin, Mickie Collins, Bo Bangor, Russ Magnus
Caution: Dicked By Daddy contains scenes without condom. Bareback in this video should remain a fantasy, Prep or condoms: protect yourself and your partners!

Other informations:

Technical sheet:
Duration:330 min
Nb discs:3
Interactive Menu
Bo BangorActeur 
Giorgio ArsenaleActeur 
Iago TorresActeur 
Luke TylerActeur 
Michel RudinActeur 
Mickie CollinsActeur 
Nick SpearsActeur 
Russ MagnusActeur 
Wolf RayetActeur 


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